Tuesday, August 04, 2015

How to Get RFC Forms Completed by Your Doctor

If you spent any time online researching how to win your Social Security disability claim than you know the importance of getting RFC forms completed by your treating doctors.  RFC forms are also called residual functional capacity forms and when filled out show a doctors opinion of your limitations from your medical conditions.  Having a good and long term relationship with your treating doctor certainly helps when trying to get these forms completed.  Doctors also like to be paid for there time so asking your doctor how much it would cost to complete these forms and paying him or her is one very good way to convince your doctor to do this.  Another way is to make an appointment with your doctor specifically to fill out these forms.  This way your doctor is being paid for his time and he or she has the benefit of being able to ask you questions that could assist the doctor in completing the forms.  If you tried to get these forms filled out by your doctor but were unsuccessful you can also pay for an independent Residual Functional Capacity exam.  This is when you pay a doctor to do a series of test on you to determine your level of functioning in a work environment.  This last way can be expensive so it may be a good idea to do this as a last resort.